About this database

The library's subscription includes the following databases:

  • Iter Bibliography: an online bibliography of more than 1,010,000 records for articles, essays, books, dissertation abstracts, encyclopedia entries and reviews. This material has been collected from 8,707 publications, including 1,707 journals.
  • Baptisteria Sacra: This index offers detailed descriptions of fonts from the early Christian period to the 17th century
  • International Directory of Scholars: The International Directory of Scholars (IDS) is the convergence of interests of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) and the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC), publisher of the Scholars of Early Modern Studies.

...and links to the Medici Archive Project, the Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science, and the Electronic Capito Project.

Iter, meaning a journey or a path in Latin, was created for the advancement of learning in the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700) through the development of online resources.

Bibliography of more than 1.45 million citations for secondary source material about the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 400-1700.