2024-2025 Library Student Employee Scholarship Recipients

2024-2025 Library Student Employee Scholarship Recipients

Emma Horton Moore Scholarship
Alex Cantianos
Nicki Lynn Turner Scholarship
Anna Palmer
Barbara and Larry Freiman Scholarships
Emma Dempsey, Alexandra Butters, Peyton Knotts
Randy and SaraCharles Stevens Scholarship
Brittany Byrum
Mary Reichel and Rao Aluri Scholarship
Jade Harlow, Naalia Rajkumar
John and Bettie Bond Scholarship
Derik Kinkopf
Broyhill Family Scholarship
Emma Oliver

Returning Library Atrium Scholars

Bo Henderson/Ed Springs Scholarship
Kit McRary
Midget Barrett-Ruth Hester Scholarship
Madison Northup
Friends of the Library Scholarship
Hunter Ringley
Kelly Deese Scholarship
Grace Pedigo
Frank and Kay Borkowski Scholarship
Dezirae Britton
Betsy Alden and Mark Rutledge Scholarship
Max Sawyer

New Scholarship Recipients - Donors to Be Announced
Christian Chavez Gonzalez
Lily Tunstall
Ashlie Molina Herrera
Kaitlin Gable
Key Hatch
Savannah Raley
Illiana Christian
Maya Szymbroski
Ileana Gomez-Arceo
Crimson Reifenstuhl

Scholarship recipients on the grand staircase in Belk Library with Dean Polanka
Published: May 7, 2024 3:20pm
