Allan Scherlen publishes three poems and two videos

In April 2024, Allan Scherlen, a library professor at Appalachian State, published three poems in Azahares Spanish Literary Magazine, published by the University of Arkansas, Fort Smith. "For the Blood of a Poet, Octavio Paz;" "A Fiesta on the International Bridge;" and "Esta Noche Bailamos. p. 9,19,78. 

They are available issuu.

In November, 2023, Hong Kong Review published Allan's video poem, "Tiger Bones’" about his greeting the Argentine poet, Jorge Luis Borges.

This month, April 2024, the Hong Kong Review published Scherlen's  “Mesquite,” another video poem, also posted on YouTube. 

Great job, Allan!  Congratuations on your accomplishments!

Covers of Azahares literary magazine and screen captures from video poems
Published: Apr 24, 2024 10:59am
