Envisioning the Library of the Future
On the twentieth anniversary of the opening of Belk Library & Information Commons, the University Libraries’ looks to the future by undergoing the creation of a new Master Plan for our main library on campus.
As students are our largest user group, it is important to center their voices as they are directly impacted by any design decisions we make. Dean Sue Polanka has been very clear since she started that she is student focused, prioritizing what they want and need from the University Libraries. As such, working towards a Master Space plan for Belk Library begins with first understanding students’ needs, visions, and voices.
This Spring 2025, we are undergoing several initiatives to learn from our students. We have launched a student-wide survey asking students their study habits, their levels of satisfaction, and their input on future ideas. The survey will inform focus groups later in the semester to dig into what students need. We are also working with two Interior Design classes, led by Dr. Brian Davies and Dr. Devin Waddell, and asking them to help us understand how students view and use the space. They will be presenting their thoughts, observations, and visions to us as the semester progresses.
While students are key, we have several other stakeholders. Over the past year, we have engaged in listening sessions with our library staff and faculty, our donors, our student advisory board, and the deans of the colleges we serve. The themes from these sessions coupled with our student feedback will allow us to set forth a vision for what we inspire Belk Library to be as we engage and bring on an architect to make that vision a reality.