Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - Beyond Innocence: The Life Sentence of Darryl Hunt by Phoebe Zerwick
The event will feature Phoebe Zerwick and Mark Rabil in a conversation moderated by Mike Wakeford. Register to attend here for the virtual book club discussion or stop by Room 421 Belk Library for the Live Stream and refreshments.
Non-Fiction. A young Black man is falsely accused of murdering a white woman in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and is sentenced to life in prison, where he spent 19 years behind bars before his tireless attorneys were able to prove his innocence. Part true crime drama, part chronicle of a remarkable life cut short by systematic prejudice, Zerwick’s narrative powerfully illuminates the sustained catastrophe faced by an innocent person in prison and the difficulty all formerly incarcerated people face when they try to restart their lives.