Liaison areas
- Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- Humanities
- MLIS, 2021, San Jose State University
- Ph.D. in French, 2017, University of Virginia
Scholarly interests
- Critical information literacy
- Francophone Algerian literature
- Education in colonial and postcolonial contexts
- Francophone film
Selected publications
“Une cartographie du racisme: Paris comme palimpseste du délit de faciès dans Ici on noie les Algériens de Yasmina Adi,” Spatialités littéraires et filmiques francophones: Nouvelles perspectives, eds. Françoise Naudillon and Mbaye Diouf. Mémoire d’encrier, 2018.
“Fonctions diégétiques et symboliques du vent dans Le Siècle des sauterelles et La Désirante de Malika Mokeddem.” Didactiques, ed. Chihab Besra, 2017.
“Literacy habits of adult bilingual readers.” Carolina TESOL, 29, (2), 16, 2006.
“Task-based instruction in the second language classroom.” Carolina TESOL, 28, (3), 16-17, 2005.
“Increase Mather.” Encyclopedia of American Religion and Politics. Eds. Paul A. Djupe and Laura R. Olson. Facts on File, 2003.
Presenter “Une cartographie du racisme: Paris comme palimpseste du délit de faciès dans Ici on noie les Algériens de Yasmina Adi.” Pour une géocritique du texte et du cinéma francophones, McGill University, Apr. 2016, Montreal, Canada.
Presenter “Le vent troublant dans Le Siècle des sauterelles et La Désirante de Malika Mokeddem.” Le paysage algérien dans la littérature algérienne francophone (1962-2015) International Colloquium, Université de Médéa Dr. Yahia Farès, Apr. 2015, Médéa, Algeria.
Discussant for the panel “Blurred Lines: Permeable Frontiers in Francophone African Literature, Film, and Music.” Research Frontiers in the Study of Africa, African Studies Association 55th Annual Meeting, Nov. 2012, Philadelphia.
Presenter “Character-izing the Colonized: Jean Rouch and the Ethics of Representation in Les maîtres fous.” Research Frontiers in the Study of Africa, African Studies Association 55th Annual Meeting, Nov. 2012, Philadelphia, PA.
Presenter with Tanya Jeffords “Changing China: An Educational Exchange in the People’s Republic.” Many Faces Many Facets TESOL Winter Conference, Feb. 2007, Winston-Salem, NC.
Presenter with Dave Smith “How Will I Ever Understand: Looking Through the Eyes of Adult ESL Students.” Basics and Beyond II Conference, Jun. 2006, Charleston, SC.
Presenter with Angela Cozart and Anthony Musila “Educational Myths and the Impact of Poverty.” AmeriCorps/National Civilian Community Corps Human Rights Day, Jan. 2006, Charleston, SC.

Title: Humanities Librarian for Collection Management, Assistant Professor
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6246