About this database

The collection, now hosted on the JSTOR platform, currently contains over two million images, including the following collections:

  • The Art History Survey Collection
  • The Carnegie Arts of the United States Collection
  • The Hartill Archive of Architecture and Allied Arts
  • The Huntington Archive of Asian Art
  • The Illustrated Bartsch (Old Master European prints from the 15th to the 19th centuries)
  • The Mellon International Dunhuang Archive (images of wall paintings and sculpture from Buddhist cave shrines in Dunhuang , China )
  • The MoMA Architecture and Design Collection 
  • Native American Art and Culture from the National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution

ARTstor provides curated collections of art images and associated data for noncommercial and scholarly, non-profit educational use. ARTstor's definition of art is encompassing. It includes architecture, painting, photography, prints, drawings, sculpture, decorative arts and design, as well as archeological and anthropological objects. ARTstor also provides software tools to enable active use of the images. The tools support a wide range of uses including analyzing images, saving groups of images online, and creating and delivering presentations both online and offline.

More than two million art images for non-profit educational use from numerous art, architecture, and anthropology collections. See More Info for a collection list.
Content Types: 
  • Images, Music, and Video
Prehistory to the present