About this database
Access Note: 
From "Select your institution," choose "Institution not listed" and enter your App State e-mail, or log in with an existing account.

Online access to 30,000+ technical books, videos, interactive tutorials, case studies, learning paths, and audio books from O'Reilly & Associates and other publishers.

Subjects covered: Business, Desktop and Web Applications, Digital Media, Engineering, Information Technology & Software Development, Math & Science, Personal & Professional Development, Products, and Vendors. All O'Reilly eBooks are in the library catalog.

ACCESS NOTE: Access to O'Reilly is unlimited for all current Appalachian State University students, faculty and staff who enter their Appstate email address (in the format: username@appstate.edu).  You will be emailed an invitation to create a permanent O'Reilly account. Creating a permanent account is not required unless you want to use personalized features or the smart phone app version.  However, if you have created an account you must use those credentials to log in (just providing the appstate.edu email will not give you access).

For more information, see the O'Reilly Guide.

Provides access to 30,000+ technical books, videos, interactive tutorials, case studies, learning paths, and audio books on business, technology, and science topics.
Content Types: 
  • eBooks