About this database

Republication of approximately 6,280 numbered publications, largely Congressional, but also containing Executive Department materials. Published in ten classes in a total of 38 folio volumes, approximately two-thirds of the publications cover the first 14 Congresses (1789-1817), whereas the remaining third chronologically overlap with the U.S. Serial Set from 1817-1838. The digital American State Papers constitute rich primary source material on many aspects of early American history from 1789 to 1838, and include the following subjects: I: Foreign Relations in six volumes; II: Indian Affairs in two volumes; III: Finance in five volumes; IV: Commerce and Navigation in two volumes; V: Military Affairs in seven volumes; VI: Naval Affairs in four volumes; VII: Post-office Department in one volume; VIII: Public Lands in eight volumes; IX: Claims in one volume; and X: Miscellaneous in two volumes.

Contains over 6,000 numbered publications from 1789 to 1838, largely Congressional, but also containing Executive Department materials.
Content Types: 
  • Government Sources
  • Primary Sources