About this database

Core scholarly journals, ebooks, and images from a range of disciplines, with full-text searching and DRM-free downloads.

JSTOR specializes in making available the back issues of academic journals (over 2,500) in a wide variety of humanities and social science and natural science disciplines, and provides access to over 120,000 ebooks. Artstor has moved to the JSTOR platform, and includes over 2 million images. Users can search across the full text of ebooks and journals on JSTOR.  All ebook chapters are available exclusively in a DRM-free, unlimited-user model. They work just like the journal articles on JSTOR, with unlimited simultaneous use, PDF downloads, and printing, and no need to log in or use special software.

Journal coverage includes the following areas: African American studies; anthropology; Asian studies; ecology; economics; education; finance; history; literature; mathematics; philosophy; political science; population studies; sociology; statistics. Coverage is the beginning of the journal until two to five years ago.

Core scholarly journals (especially back issues), ebooks, and images from a range of disciplines, with full-text searching and DRM-free downloads.
Content Types: 
  • eBooks
  • Images, Music, and Video
1800s-present (2-5 yr embargo)