About this database

Specifics on various jobs and careers, including working conditions, educational or training requirements, pay, and future outlook. The Bureau of Labor Statistic describes the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) as providing information on what workers do; working conditions; education, training, and other qualifications; pay; job outlook; similar occupations; and sources of additional information, for 341 occupational profiles covering 85 percent of the jobs in the economy. The OOH is broken up into clusters of similar occupations. You may also search for occupations by pay range, education level, training, projected number of new jobs, or projected job growth rate. If you are interested in occupations with the highest pay, you can browse them by clicking on the hot link 'Highest Paying.'

Specifics on various jobs and careers, including working conditions, educational or training requirements, pay, and future outlook.
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Free on the web
Content Types: 
  • Government Sources
  • Statistics & Data