Databases for Maps

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Collections range from digitized manuscripts (Beowulf and Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebook) and illuminated manuscripts, to an extensive collection of maps from around the world.
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This collection provides a wide variety of original source material detailing China’s interaction with the West.
Colonial America consists of all 1,450 volumes of the CO 5 series of Colonial Office files held at The National Archives in London.
Comprehensive reference work cataloging all of the world’s known living languages; currently contains over 7,000 profiles.
Allows you to create, customize, and share geographical maps of data found in FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data).
Brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of global commodities in world history.
Presents a unique insight into interactions between American Indians and Europeans from their earliest contact.
The largest and most comprehensive cartographic collection in the world with collections numbering over 5.5 million maps.
Comprehensive, online collection of historic maps of the Tar Heel State.
Provides digital access to 11,173 large-scale maps of 158 North Carolina towns and cities, drawn to a scale of 50 feet to an inch.
Online primary source materials including manuscripts, pamphlets, books, paintings, maps, and other documents for the study of slavery, abolition, and social justice.
Helps you gain insights into any U.S. location of interest through thousands of data variables, visualizations, and data mapping capabilities.
Map images, records, and indexing for maps published in Reports and Documents of the 65th Congress, 2nd session through the 92nd Congress, 2nd session (1845-1989).