Service Locations
Belk Library BuildingOpen regular hours (view details)
Belk Library Service DeskOpen regular hours (view details)
Hickory Library BuildingOpen regular hours (view details)
Hickory Library Service DeskOpen regular hours (view details)
Instructional Materials Center (IMC)IMC Staff are available in offices if desk is not staffed (view details)
Music LibraryOpen regular hours (view details)
Print Zone and Tech Help DeskOpen regular hours (view details)
Special Collections Research Center
Technology Checkout Desk
APPsearchAvailable online 24/7 (view details)
CatalogAvailable online 24/7 (view details)
ChatLive chat available extended hours (view details)
DatabasesAvailable online 24/7 (view details)
Delivery/Pickup of BooksAvailable during library open hours (view details)
Email AssistanceAvailable during library open hours (view details)
Library Account AccessAvailable online 24/7 (view details)
Library InstructionAvailable by appointment (view details)
Requests & Interlibrary Loan (ILL)Requesting & ILL available (view details)
Research AppointmentsAvailable by appointment (view details)
ReturnsRenew online, return at desk/drop, or mail back (view details)
Audio Recording Room
Digital Media Studio (DMS)Available during library open hours (view details)
MakerspaceOpen Mon-Thur: 10am - 8pm,Fri:10am - 5pm,Sun:1pm-8pm (view details)
Video Recording Room
Virtual Reality StudioOpen Sun - Thur 2pm - 8pm, Fri 2pm - 5pm (view details)
Broyhill Conference Room 421Open by appointment (view details)
Faculty and Graduate Student LoungesOpen by appointment (view details)
Food PantryAvailable during library open hours (view details)
Group Study RoomsOpen, reservations recommended (view details)
IMC Idea FactoryMerged with the new Makerspace (view details)
Lecture Hall 114Open by appointment (view details)
Lockers and Graduate TablesAvailable by request (view details)