This page focuses on e-books for leisure reading. For academic titles, see our e-book databases.
About Libby
- Libby is an app that gives you easy access to the eBooks and audiobooks in the Libraries' Overdrive database.
- You can check out popular eBooks from the library and read them on your e-reader, phone, or tablet.
- Students, faculty, and staff can access Libby through Appalachian State. Community borrowers can use Libby with a public library card.
- You can check out 3 titles at a time for up to 21 days each.
Getting started with the app
Follow these steps if you want to read on your phone, tablet, or Kindle.
- First, install the Libby app for iOS or Android.
- Open the app and choose "Add Library."
- Search for "Appalachian State."
- Follow the prompts to connect your Libby app to your Appalachian State University account. You'll be asked to sign in with your Single Sign-On username and password.
- Once you've signed in, Libby will tell you that you've added your library card. If you want to read Libby eBooks on your phone or tablet, you're all set!
- If you want to read Libby eBooks on your Kindle, click the "Yes, I am a Kindle user" option and follow the prompts to connect Libby to your Kindle.
Getting started with a non-Kindle e-reader
Follow these steps if you want to read on your computer, Nook, Kobo, or other e-reader.
- On your computer, go to libbyapp.com.
- Choose "Yes" when asked if you have a library card.
- Choose "Search for A Library" and search for Appalachian State.
- Follow the prompts to sign in using your Single Sign-On username and password.
- If you want to read on your computer, you're all set to browse and check out eBooks.
- If you want to read on your e-reader, follow the steps for transferring Libby eBooks to your device.
Other eBook sources
- The NCLive HomeGrown Ebooks Collection consists of more than 1,200 titles from eight North Carolina publishers spanning a wide range of topics, from fiction by North Carolina authors to nonfiction history, culture, and travel books.