Items can be renewed online by logging in to your library account or by calling the Belk Library Service Desk on the first floor at (828) 262-2818. Most items can be renewed twice unless another patron has requested the item or your account has expired. Renewals are for the same length as the original loan period for books and 7 days for multimedia. Renewals can be made only within the last 7 days of the loan period. Renewal periods are calculated based on the date renewed. Note, however, that items may be recalled during the renewal period. Please note, the renewal period on Special Collections material is 7 days for each item.
Materials cannot be renewed if:
- Two renewals have already been granted.
- The items are overdue.
- A requested recall/hold has been placed on them by another patron.
- The account record is blocked due to outstanding obligations.
See the Interlibrary Loan page for information on renewing these items.