When should I schedule a session?
Library instruction is most valuable when it is related to a research assignment. This allows students to have the opportunity to immediately apply what they have learned during the instruction session. Ideally, sessions should be scheduled prior to students starting on a research assignment. Another appropriate time is early in the research process when students have just started working on their assignment. Students should be informed about the assignment before the instruction session, and should have at least a general research topic in mind.
How much lead time do I need?
Allow a minimum of one week advance notice for your request. There is extremely high demand for library instruction during fall and spring semesters and in order to accommodate your preferred dates is it helpful to "book early."
What happens after I submit my request?
Once your request has been submitted an email with your information is posted and a librarian will pick up the request and contact you via email with the scheduled time/date/mode for the session. The librarian will request a copy of the research assignment and syllabus. This information is important in allowing the librarian to understand the context of your course, the research expectations for your students, and ensure that the instruction session is well sequenced.
How is the library instruction delivered?
Library instruction is available:
- Online (Synchronous - e.g. live Zoom session hosted by a librarian)
- Online (Asynchronous - e.g. AsULearn tools, library research guides, videos, handouts)
- Face to Face in the library or department classroom
The librarian working with your class will follow up to discuss the instructional mode(s) for the session.
Do I need to be with my students during the session?
Yes. The instructor should be present to emphasize important information and answer questions related to the assignment.
What are some topics that librarians can cover?
Instruction sessions are customized to the needs of your students. Each session highlights sources that are relevant to a specific subject area and/or assignment. Beyond instructing students on how to locate information, we cover key concepts such as evaluating information, using sources effectively, using information ethically, and other information literacy competencies.
My request was not scheduled what do I do?
Occasionally we have more requests for instruction that we can handle and may not be able to accommodate your preferred instruction date/time. You may be asked to resubmit your request with alternate dates/times and we will do our best to schedule a library instruction session for you and your students.