Rhetoric and Composition (RC 1000)
Why should I bring my students to the library?
Students arrive at Appalachian with varying levels of information literacy skills. They may not have had exposure to university level research and may be overwhelmed with even basic research tasks (i.e. searching the online catalog, locating books, finding articles). Librarians have the expertise to provide your students instruction in the concepts as well as mechanics of locating, evaluating, and accessing information resources. Bringing your student to the library is a good way to get them off to a good start on the research process.
What information is covered in a library instruction session?
The Rhetoric and Composition Library Instruction Curriculum is designed to address the research assignments that students will be completing in your course. The session will include an overview of the library homepage, introduction to searching the library catalog and databases, and evaluation of information sources. The RC 1000 Library Research Guide will be used during the session.
Student Learning Outcome: Students will select a topic and brainstorm keywords for the topic
Curriculum: Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of finding and evaluating information sources and documenting them.
The Rhetoric and Composition Library Instruction Curriculum addresses the Information Literacy Goals for Appalachian Students, the gateway skills as outlined by the University’s Vertical Writing Curriculum and is aligned with the University’s General Education Program Goals.
When should I schedule a library instruction session?
Research indicates that students receive the most benefit from library instruction when it is scheduled in conjunction with a research assignment. Students should be aware of their assignment before coming to the library instruction session. For more information see our library instruction program FAQs.
How much lead time does my librarian need?
There is a very high demand for library instruction during the fall and spring semesters so the more lead time you can give the better. Scheduling a minimum of one week in advance of your instruction date will allow the librarian adequate time to:
- Discuss the specific information needs of your students
- Create a lesson plan
- Reserve a library instruction room at your preferred time
- Create instructional materials (i.e. handouts, library research guides, etc.)
Does the library need to know about specific assignments for my class?
Yes! It can be frustrating for students when materials are not available. Please allow us to put your materials on reserve and alert other librarians of requirements and due dates.