A course-integrated instruction approach allows librarians and classroom faculty to work together to introduce students to the library's resources for research.
The Library curriculum provides instruction in a variety of ways to meet the diverse information needs and learning styles of students.
Benefits of Library Instruction
Library instruction can help reduce the anxiety and frustration that some students feel when they are required to use library resources to complete a research assignment. Instruction sessions allow students to have hands-on practice with databases and other resources under the supervision of a librarian. Scheduling a library instruction session also saves faculty time from having to answer individual questions about the research process and the appropriate sources to use. The quality of students’ papers may also improve, because they will know more about the research process, evaluating information, and how to find resources to support their assignments.
How We Can Work With You
Information literacy instruction is most effective when it is integrated into your course. We will collaborate with you to:
- Determine the most appropriate resources (print, electronic, AsULearn, web, etc.) for the instruction session.
- Schedule library instruction when your students are working on their research assignments and are most motivated and receptive to learn.
- Provide follow-up research assistance to your students after the library session via Ask a Librarian or RAP sessions as needed.
- Create a Library Research Guide specifically for your course.
AsULearn Modules
A number of how-to video tutorials are available and these resources can be embedded in your AsULearn course as an activity. For more information on having these tutorials and/or other resources added to a course contact Mollie Peuler, ELearning Librarian (peulerme@appstate.edu) or (828) 262.8413.
Scheduling a Library Instruction Session
When your students have a research assignment, consider scheduling a library instruction session with a librarian. Students should have research topics before attending the library instruction session. For more information see the Library Instruction FAQs.
Requests for library instruction are submitted via the online Library Instruction Request Form.
Your Involvement
Students will appreciate your attendance during the instruction session. The students need to hear from you about their assignments, resources and research expectations, and will likely have questions that is best answered by the instructor.
Your librarian will request a copy of your assignment prior to the instruction session. Providing as much information as possible about the assignment (i.e. syllabus, description of assignment, number and types of sources required, etc.) will assist us in preparing for the instruction session.
Library Instruction Rooms
The library has two instruction rooms located on the Lower Level that are reserved for library instruction. Librarians primarily teach instruction sessions in the library instruction rooms but can come to your classroom for an instruction session if needed.