Access note: Go to http://accessnyt.com/ to create a personal account.For free access to the NYT website, create a personal account using your App State email address (1851-present).
Index to the Raleigh News & Observer newspaper for the years 1926-1992. The newspaper content is located in the microforms section on the lower level of Belk Library.
A full-text news resource consisting of more than 12,000 international, national, and local news sources from 1980 to present, updated daily.
NewsBank North Carolina provides 222 news sources from North Carolina, from 1985 to present, updated daily.
Provides full text coverage for 730 national and international newspapers, 16 North Carolina newspapers, and TV and radio news transcripts (2000-present).
Provides online access to over 20,000 historical newspapers from all 50 U.S. states and 6 other countries, dating from the early 1700s into the early 2000s.
Features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
Focuses on primary source collections including monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more.
A free, online scholarly edition of six nineteenth-century periodicals and newspapers.
Digital facsimile images for hundreds of 19th century U.S. newspapers.
Covers the events, lives, values, and themes that shaped the 19th century world.
Primary sources on the experiences of over 1,000 North American women as revealed in approximately 150,000 pages of diaries, letters, and manuscripts.
These collections contain over 158,000 historic and recent photographs, state government publications, manuscripts, and other resources on topics related to North Carolina.
Provides access to NC statutes and session laws, bills and legislation, committee assignments, audio broadcasts of House and Senate sessions, the legislative calendar, and a citizen guide.
Contains 3.5 million pages of digitized content from over 1,000 North Carolina county newspapers (1764-1999).
Comprehensive, online collection of historic maps of the Tar Heel State.
Index of over 60 journals and magazines published in North Carolina.
Provides access to current and historic publications produced by North Carolina state government.
Use NoveList to find a good read. Contains reviews, annotations, readalike recommendations and more for fiction and non-fiction.
Provides abstracting and indexing for more than 850 healthcare-related journals, with over 715 titles in full text.
Access note: From "Select your institution," choose "Institution not listed" and enter your App State e-mail, or log in with an existing account.Provides access to 30,000+ technical books, videos, interactive tutorials, case studies, learning paths, and audio books on business, technology, and science topics.
Contains records of digital resources from open-archive collections worldwide.
Specifics on various jobs and careers, including working conditions, educational or training requirements, pay, and future outlook.
The opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States are published officially in a set of case books called the United States Reports
View full-length, high-quality films of live theatre performances.
Free, open textbooks for college courses
Access note: Create a username and password to borrow up to five books at a time.Find ebooks from libraries across the country.
Videos include documentaries, historical events, educational and ephermeral topics, and lectures.
An open access discovery tool searching over 240 million works, similar in scope to Google Scholar.
Makes electronic theses and dissertations more accessible to researchers worldwide.